Logan, UT Digital Signage Accessories Suppliers

Digital Signage Accessories Suppliers in Logan, Utah

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Digital signage screens may be installed either by mounting on wall, pedestal, suspending from ceiling or placing on a shelf / table. The Media Player with the doPublicity Digital Signage Manager Software can be mounted either on the back of the screen or on an adjoining shelf, rack or cabinet.

Most digital sign installations use a VGA or HDMI cable to connect the Media Player to the Television. Installing the Media Player at a distance from the screen may cause the display signal to suffer and have a poor quality display. It is reasonable to place a screen at a distance between 25’ to 40’ from the computer and not expect signal deterioration. In case there is no option but to install at a distance, it is recommended to use a Video Extender to boost the signal and maintain quality.

It is possible to setup 1 computer to display the same content on multiple screens. You may purchase VGA Video Splitters to distribute the signal to multiple screens. Some of these devices allow installations as far apart as 200’.

Using Video Extender in conjunction with VGA Video Splitters can extend the distance between screens.

List of Accessories Suppliers in Logan, Utah for Cables, Mounts, Adapters, Splitters and Extenders

Best Buy
1475 N Main St Ste 120, Logan, UT 84341
Mon-Sat 10 AM - 9 PM, Sun 10 AM - 8 PM
StarTech.com USA LLP
Mon-Fri 5 AM - 11 PM (EST)
Peerless Industries, Inc.
Mon-Fri 7 AM - 7 PM (CST)
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