Just like humans, corporations have a hierarchy and needs as well. Every business owner and entrepreneur looks at these elements of the pyramid in making critical business decisions. It has also been shown that the whole corporate hierarchy of needs is entirely dependent on digital media and digital media marketing.
The hierarchy has Valuation on top of the pyramid followed by brand equity, defendable competitive position, creation and monetization of assets, and finally productivity/efficiency in outcome creation. It can, therefore, be said that branding and brand equity are significant in a business and every business works at building the brand.
So, what is brand equity?
Simply put, this is the value of the business name. It is made up of elements, such as profit margins, market share, brand logos, taglines, consumer perception, consumer recognition, and visual elements. Therefore, brand equity generates money for the organization. Use of digital signage is an essential part of branding.
The importance of branding using digital signage includes:
- Higher traffic
You will reach a significant rise of inbound and even outbound traffic to your website with the use of digital signages. Proper signage is made of high-quality graphical representation of images, and text, high-resolution images, and most importantly, quality content. There should also be a high-quality audio system to relay the necessary information as needed.
Digital signage with good visual representations of products and services have reported higher sales. The higher sales are typically associated with an increase in traffic to the respective sites.
- Improved brand image
As mentioned above, brand equity depends on digital marketing. Use of digital signage has a significant impact on a brand’s image. Leading businesses whose names are renowned have electronic signage in multiple locations. Use of a common font, color, and logo in the displays makes the signage recognizable by many people raising brand recognition and awareness. Increased awareness leads to a proportional increase in sales in these stores.
To enjoy the benefits of a strong brand image, you may consider including your brand values as part of the signage. The location of display TV screens matters too, as it determines who sees it.
- Efficient way of customer engagement
An important rule of social and digital media marketing, besides content, is customer engagement. Some people even argue that customer engagement supersedes material but having the two set on the top of the marketing strategy board will help you reel in more sales.
Customers want to believe their voices are heard and responding to their tweets or comments on social media is the most suitable way to keep them coming to your shop. Digital signage is so far among the best ways of enhancing direct engagement with customers interested in your products and services. By leveraging the influence of social media, your clients can be encouraged to tweet, retweet or mention their friends using a hashtag supporting your product or service. This will enhance engagement as long as the communication goes two-way.
- Lower printing costs
In general printing out brochures, posters and fliers are expensive and environmentally unfriendly. If this is done every time, you make a new brand or update your product or services; then the costs will be too high as well.
The alternative is the use of electronic signage TV screens. No paper is used, and the content will always be available for editing with just a few clicks. Your business deals can be changed in different locations from one central place, and there will be fewer costs involved.
- A great way of informing customers
Rather than holding press conferences or running ads on the TVs, digital signage takes this burden off the marketing team. Any promotions are put up in the displays and videos can be put up to show how the promotion will be advertised and how willing parties can make their entries.
The signage s are also useful in introducing new products where demonstration videos can be put up. When used for professional reasons, members of the public will be in a better position to understand the message, especially while seated in lobbies or when seated through traffic jams.
- Time saving
Digital signage’s save a lot of time that would have been spent in printing and other production processes. The content created only needs to be played and to be visible on a high-definition 4K television screens with an excellent audio sound output to get the message across; this can be done in a few clicks.
The menu boards simplify processing and enhance organization and conciseness of the information to be displayed. Eventually, a bigger crowd is reached using one visual display.
- Increased profitability
Brand equity is improved through increased customer engagement and communications via social and digital media. The overall result of brand equity is increased sales that eventually lead to increase in the business’s profit margins. Merchandising, branding, and provision of an ambient environment for people to buy more and even engage more eventually increases the profitability.
- Increasing efficiency of employees
Internal communications with employees are rather involved in big institutions. However, the use of electronic signage facilitates dissemination of vital information to hundreds of workers faster. Information on actual performance, production quotas, safety, meetings, etc. is shared using the internal signage. This is a better alternative compared to emails, which go unread in most cases.
In conclusion, the value of branding to any business increases when the display systems used are of high quality. There should also be quality, readable, and relatable content created about the products and services and how the item in question will benefit the customers. Use of similar content across all locations where your signage is displayed helps builds your brand and increases consistency in the brand's appearance.
Because of these advantages, digital signage has found use in education settings, restaurants, showrooms, hospitals, banks and retail institutions, and their use as digital out of home advertising. To ensure efficiency, the placement should be right, the content good, and the hardware reliable.