For marketing to help companies, they should ensure their advertisements are featured in locations that grasp the attention of the customers. A very efficient place to mount a digital signage display is in elevators. Mostly, lifts tend to be monotonous as strangers occupy it, and sometimes take a long time. The quiet zone created in lifts can result in an attention-grabbing opportunity. Below are benefits of digital display in elevators.
Zero distractions
There are virtually no distractions in elevators. In other locations, various distractions will make people oblivious to notice the information on the signage. However, in an elevator, electronic signs will have the capability of attracting the attention of everybody on board. With minimal distractions, people will have sufficient time to digest the information on the screen.
Increased target precision
The marketing content on the digital screens can only be effective if they are significant to the people viewing them. It is possible to know the typical characters of people that visit a particular building based on the tenants. This demographic targeting will enhance the precision of the marketing content and enable marketers to get clients.
Numerous views
It is advisable for busy buildings to have digital signage in their elevators. Marketing is more effective when the advertisements are placed in areas that attract more people. Thus, using digital signage in a busy buildings elevator will assure many views for targeted commercialization. This placement will meet the goal of marketers in acquiring clients.
The level of interaction in an elevator is minimal even for the people that know each other. Some people have to take several minutes to reach the upper floors. It is a good idea to eliminate this boredom by using electronic signage. Make the elevator be a somewhat exciting and educational location for the buildings tenants and guests.
Relevant information
The relevance of the information you are trying to pass across in the marketing content is determined by the traits of the targeted customers. The consumers can only be attracted to an advertisement that is addressing their current needs and suggesting a possible solution. Hence, carry out a marketing research on the potential clients to get facts that will enable you to make great content.
Easy to study the targeted customers
Studying an audience's reactions is very easy since they will be a similar targeted demographic every day. Within the elevator, you can get information from customers about the products and services you are planning to advertise. Various businesses that are tenants of that building will also aid in guiding the advertiser to know what this audience's preferences are. A proper study will influence the success of the digital signage TV screen.
The digital signage can be used as a form of entertainment for the people boarding the elevator. Some buildings have many floors, which are forty levels or more. As mentioned previously, people going to the highest levels might take several minutes before arriving there. To make the distance shorter for them, and potentially sell them a product, or educate them - use the digital TV screen to keep them busy with advertisements and entertainment.
Building related guidelines
These screens can also be used to display the building guidelines and rules that apply to tenants and visitors. Creating content for such displays is very easy using customizable templates, as all it takes is a few clicks to select and customize a template. Also, seasonal holiday greetings could also be displayed on the screen to promote a holiday spirit.
Emergency information
Digital signage screens in elevators are a great place to provide emergency exit and other related information. The TV screen could show escape routes, phone numbers, and instructions that could put the elevator passengers at ease in case of an emergency.
Additional income
Affixing digital advertising signage screens in elevators can provide the perfect opportunity for other companies to advertise their products and merchandise. For them to use your digital signage, they must pay for them. This can be another way of boosting the income of the building. The cost per advertisement on display will depend on the number of people that frequently visit the building every day.
Boosts value
HD signage TV screens in elevators increase the value of a building. You will realize that rent differs from the city. The difference is caused by the amenities that have been installed or are available in the building. Digital signage has a greater impact in escalating the value of the building too. Thus giving the building owner, or management an opportunity to increase your rental charges and boost profits.
Adoption of the new technology
The use of digital signage is the new method of advertising, as mentioned in another article. It is more impactful as people are now interested in viewing advertisements in digital form. Announcements made in video form are highly fascinating and very attractive. Hence, numerous firms seeking advertising platforms will consider the buildings with digital signage. Adoption of this technology will make your building preferable for lucrative businesses.
Advertise businesses within the building
Digital signage in an elevator can be useful in enabling people to know more about the various activities found in the building. Marketing the trades of your tenants is one way of empowering them. This will help visitors potentially have their needs met by the business located in the building. You can create a payment plan with the resident tenants and boost your income.
Help people locate offices
Imagine a person getting lost in a building with more than twenty floors. That can be very frustrating for that individual. Most people get lost in buildings that do not have proper direction. You have the ability to minimize these cases by having digital signage that shows the location of the offices in the building by using wayfinding content. This will allow people to know the exact places they should go.
Attract tenants
By installing digital screens on the elevator and other parts of the building, you will be able to attract many residents. Many businesspersons will see the digital screens as an opportunity to market their products within the building. This will enable them to gain more customers. You will also benefit by charging them for the advertising services.
Cannot be ignored
It is almost impossible for people in the elevator to ignore looking at the digital signage screen at least once, while on their ride. By uploading an advertisement on the screen, you should be well assured that everyone using it will take the time to view it for the duration of their elevator trip. Hence, the elevator is effectual in marketing.