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Compare Digital Signage and TV Advertising
Comparing the benefits of using Digital Signage as against TV advertising for targeting localized viewing audiences
It was not long ago that TV was accepted as the best medium for advertising. However, new technologies keep on appearing often to compete with the trusty old TV. The most recent development is
Digital signage technology
. Using digital signage provides businesses the option to show promotional material to their audiences, at a fraction of the cost of advertising with TV.
Another advantage of displaying advertisements with the use of giant screens is the ability to target the correct audience. It is of little use broadcasting an advertisement about your restaurant to an audience that is thousand miles away. Instead, businesses need to focus on their local community - Digital signage displays are able to do that successfully.
Using digital signage managed by your own business gives the business more control over what may be displayed and at what time. When advertisements are scheduled with the local TV station, the business will not be able to make any last minute changes or edits to the advertisement, as the TV stations are the one who dictate terms and time slots as available, depending on the available budget. Additionally, digital signage provides the possibility to have several display screens installed in strategic points, to address the business audience.
Digital signage lets the business edit or manage their advertising strategy on demand, based on their present promotion plan. Unlike this option, advertising on television is restrictive as the commercials have to be scheduled in advance and cannot be changed to reflect any changes in the businesses marketing plan. Even if replacing advertisements with a broadcaster is possible, it is almost impossible to generate a new commercial reflecting the required changes; as the cost of development of TV advertising is high and time consuming. This presents digital signage with a distinct advantage over TV advertising due to its flexibility and ability to target viewers.
Setting up a digital signage solution
is now affordable and can be done for under $699. The cost of televisions and computers has come down substantially, making the endeavor truly affordable; in addition, the digital signage software is easy to use and allows the business owner to manage their digital display with ease. This software also comes bundled with customizable templates, which makes the task of advertisement creation extremely easy and in the process eliminates the need for the business to depend on professional graphic designers or advertising agencies.
For most businesses, digital signage is the best solution when it comes to advertising. If the business has a limited budget and can manage their own advertising strategy using such software, the best thing is to change over to digital signage technology; which will save on advertising costs and the businesses marketing is going to be more effective.
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