As the owner of a Quick Service Restaurant (QSR), you understand the entire process of attracting and retaining customers. They often have short attention spans and in most cases less patience. As such, you must make sure that you have them fully taken care of at all times if you are to remain competitive in your business.
The one thing that can indeed place you at a disadvantage is the fact that the queues can get really long and if you do not know how to handle them, then you will most likely suffer hemorrhage of your customers. This means that you must come up with innovative ways, and fast, to make sure that you keep the customers fully engaged while they are waiting in line for service.
The best option that is available to you is the use of digital display boards. These boards will keep your customers engaged as they wait up to be served and with a little imagination, you can configure them to be anything that you want. You can stream content that is of value to the customers, update them on your service offering and just give them nutritional tips that will give them value and point them in the way to healthy living.
35% Time Reduction
While this approach will certainly pay high dividends in the short run, it is known that customers who watch digital video displays experience a 35% reduction in perceived time, that is to say, time seems to pass much faster for them than if they were not watching a digital display unit. You must move this digital display opportunity a notch higher for you to reap the full dividends of this independent and easily affordable medium.
The answer; go the whole hog and install a digital restaurant menu board, so yes, bite the bullet and go the whole way and witness a dramatic rise in sales and branding, quite unlike what you had seen previously. This means that you must make an active point of having all your menus digitized to enable your customers to interact with the brand in a multimedia format.
Briefly, let us look at the benefits that you stand to accrue from using the digital menu board:
- Enhanced Brand Identity – This is a win-win solution for all concerned. This medium is dynamic meaning you can change the contents of the menu, all with the touch of a few buttons on a computer keyboard. You will be able to personalize the menu with your brand and thus create positive associations that will keep your customers not only hooked but also enhance loyalty to your brand.
A study conducted by Arbiton Digital Place-Based Video Study in 2010 revealed that digital video reaches at least 70% of the public when compared to social media 45% and that 30% confessed that digital menu signage significantly influences their choice of and subsequent purchase of the product.
- It is Cutting Edge – Using Gartner’s terminology, digital menus have entered their plateau of productivity, which means that they have reached the point at which they have fully entered the mainstream market, and the technology is here to stay.
Therefore, there is always the reward which awaits the first mover; the earlier you choose to adopt this technology the more chances you have to beat the rest of the pack as they struggle to implement the same technology going forward.
- It Is Affordable – Back in the day, a mere five years ago, the barriers to entry in adopting digital menus was just too high for most small businesses, and so it was not adopted on a large scale. Time has changed, now the only barrier to entry is a few hundred dollars and your willingness to embrace change as it evolves.
A full unit excluding the Digital Signage Media Player, which in fact is just your LED screen, is in the region of $400, and this means that if you have this cash at hand, you can sign up with doPublicity and have a solution up and running within the shortest period possible.
With doPublicity having simple interactive interfaces, you will be well on your way to having a digital menu gracing your establishment, as soon as possible. The solutions come bundled with templates that you can customize and deploy as soon as you want to.
- It Increases Conversion – Who wouldn’t want an increase in customers at their restaurant. Clearly since the margins of a restaurant are usually razor thin and the goods highly perishable, the ideal would be for you to have as many clients coming through the door, within the shortest period so that you can make the most out of your space and achieve maximum returns.
Here are some statistics that will show you the reason why the employment of a digital menu is a smart choice that will go a long way in increasing the conversion rate. 69% (roughly 70%) of all decisions buyers make, are at the point of sale (POS), which means that if you have a digital menu, you can go through your list of options and push that menu item to your customers to consume inventory.
The Early Bird…
The same study revealed to a high degree of precision that digital signage including the use of menu boards increase overall sales volume by a whopping 34%. This is because it cuts the time needed to stand in a queue, search for the products, confirm the prices, and check the availability of the commodity and all.
So, this availability of information at the fingertips as presented by the digital menu cuts down on this entire process and this time, is instead used in making purchases (read, making your retail outlet and you in particular more money). You can, consequently, capture this lost opportunity in terms of time by offering this solution to your client base by adopting this cutting edge technology early.